labor shortage

The hospitality industry is currently grappling with a significant labor shortage, leaving many hotel owners and managers seeking innovative ways to recruit and retain staff. This post will discuss some creative strategies that can be employed to face this challenge head-on.

Understand What Motivates Your Employees

Before you can begin brainstorming recruitment strategies, it’s essential to understand what motivates potential employees. Today’s workforce is seeking more than just a paycheck; they want opportunities for growth, an inclusive work culture, and a healthy work-life balance. Glassdoor is a great resource to get insights on what your employees value and will help in creating a targeted recruitment strategy.

Creative Recruitment Strategies

Partner with Local Institutions

Collaborating with local educational institutions, like colleges and vocational schools, can help you tap into a pool of eager graduates seeking employment. Creating internships or apprenticeships can also provide a pathway for students to transit smoothly into a full-time position at your hotel.

Social Media and Digital Advertising

Leverage the reach of social media and digital advertising to attract potential candidates. LinkedIn, job boards, hotel industry specific sites like Hcareers, and even Craigslist can be effective platforms to reach a wider audience.

Employee Referral Program

Your current employees can be your best recruiters. Implementing an employee referral program can incentivize your staff to recommend potential candidates, ensuring a constant flow of new talent.

Streamlining the Hiring Process

A quick and efficient hiring process can make a huge difference to candidates. Use technology to automate the process, schedule interviews more efficiently, and significantly reduce the waiting period for potential employees.

Prioritize Employee Retention

While recruitment is crucial, retention should be equally prioritized. Providing a positive and inclusive work environment, competitive benefits, and opportunities for growth can significantly reduce turnover. For more strategies on building guest loyalty and staff retention, check out our post on Building Guest Loyalty.

Embrace Technology

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) can be the solution to labor shortage in some areas. For instance, Room Genie (www.room-genie.com) offers an AI-powered chatbot that can handle common guest inquiries 24/7, freeing up your staff to focus on providing personalized service and higher-value interactions. Learn more about leveraging technology in our post on Tech Tools for Hoteliers.


The labor shortage in the hotel industry can be a hindrance, but by implementing creative recruitment strategies and prioritizing employee retention, hotels can successfully navigate these challenging times. Remember, even in the middle of a labor shortage, the key is to focus on providing exceptional service that will keep guests returning. And for the repetitive, mundane tasks, Room Genie is here to help. As our motto suggests, “Tired of fielding repetitive questions about amenities, local attractions, and basic hotel details? Room Genie takes the pressure off by becoming your virtual guest assistant.”

In the face of labor shortages, innovation is the key. So, strive to think outside the box in your recruitment strategies, and don’t forget, Room Genie is only a click away.

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